Title: M
Editor-in-Chief: Molly MacDermot
Publisher: Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Bauer Media Group, Inc.
ISSN: 15339149
Summary: Upbeat and funky teen magazine, primarily geared toward music, movies, and fashion. The M stands for "musics, movies, and more", topics upon which the magazine does indeed give you bang for your buck (or rather your $3.99). 10 monthly volumes, at a subscription rate of $14.97.
Critical Evaluation: While the amount of information in the magazine is considerable, the flashy colors, continuous blurbs of content, and lack of continuity in design makes reading this magazine rather difficult. Teens will no doubt like the dozens of photos of their favorite stars, and the posters that are included in each issue. For teens that are looking for good articles, there may be disappointed, as even the topics such as animal rescue are limited to only a few paragraphs.
Editor Information: Molly MacDermot started her career at The New Yorker, and has also worked for Marie Claire and Redbook publications. Molly was one of the creators, and editors, of J-14, a magazine very similar to M in terms of its content and layout. She has also been a guest on MTV, VH1, and Inside Edition.
She launched M in 2001. Since that time, it has become the fastest growing teen entertainment magazine.
Grades 6-11/Ages 11-16
Challenge Issues
Why did you choose this book?
I chose this magazine because I hadn't seen it on the shelves before. Unlike the old standbys, Seventeen, J-14, and Teen Vogue, I thought this one might have something new to offer.